Uscator de par profesional? Oh, yes!!!!

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Nu stiu cate dintre voi aveti in dotare un asemenea obiect, probabil majoritatea, insa eu abia mi-am achizitionat unul, cam tarziu, e adevarat, daca ma gandesc la importanta pe care o are ingrijirea parului in viata mea. Cum am putut trai fara el?  Sa va povestesc.

De cand eram mica visam sa devin o domnisoara ingrijita, cu parul lung, frumos aranjat, stralucitor si dupa care sa intoarca lumea capul pe strada. Primele doua mi-au iesit relativ usor. Pentru restul… a fost nevoie de munca multa si eforturi.

M-am nascut cu un par frumos, sanatos, care se modeleaza usor, dar mereu am admirat persoanele din jurul meu care nu depuneau niciun efort pentru a parea mereu proaspat iesite de la coafor. Si ma tot gandeam: ce sa fac? ce produse sa folosesc? ce accesorii de coafor sa cumpar?

Iluminarea propriu-zisa a venit in momentul in care ma aflam la coafor si, dupa ce m-a spalat coafeza, mi-a uscat parul cu foehnul. Inainte sa foloseasca placa mi-am dat seama ca simpla uscare a parului a fost suficienta pentru a avea un par drept, numai bine de iesit la plimbare. Ei, cum asa? Doar si eu am uscator acasa numai ca, dupa ce ma usuc cu el, daca nu pun placa de par sau il ondulez cu difuzorul, nu pot iesi nici sa duc gunoiul.

Am inceput sa caut un asemenea uscator profesional luand la puricat internetul, dar m-am adancit si mai tare in sute de ustensile, unul mai bun decat altul. Intr-un final m-am decis si acum posed un minunat uscator de par care contribuie la fericirea mea din ultima perioada.


Fetelor, este un adevarat miracol, nu am mai folosit placa de cand il am pe el. Imi spal parul si aplic Macadamia Deep Repair Masque si apoi Liss Hair de la Revlon de care am vorbit aici. Nu-mi ramane decat sa-l usuc cu uscatorul meu Babyliss PRO Caruso, nu ii fac reclama, stiu doar ca e facut in Italia si ca am gasit pareri bune despre el pe net.

Rezultatele chiar se vad, nu mai e nevoie sa il indrept cu placa, pur si simplu este drept, aproape ca si cum as folosi placa. Nu stiu daca efectul acesta ar putea fi vizibil pe orice tip de par, va spun doar cum se intampla la mine. Nu este ieftin, aproximativ 380 RON, dar nu imi pare rau deloc ca nu am facut altceva cu banii. Imi place mult la acest uscator ca are un generator de ioni care elimina electrizarea si un cablu foarte lung asa incat nu mai trebuie sa-mi rasucesc gatul incercand sa ajung la oglinda din baie pentru mai multa acuratete 🙂 Are si un maner interesant, ergonomic, care il face stabil cand il tii in mana, fara sa simti ca aluneca. Nu in ultimul rand, efectele asupra parului sunt fabuloase: suprafata ceramica a acestui uscator asigura o distribuire uniforma a caldurii astfel ca firele de par sunt protejate, nefiind expuse la oscilatii bruste de temperatura. Eh?


Cam aceasta ar fi povestea prieteniei mele cu un uscator, stiu ca il voi iubi pana la prima defectiune 🙂 Voi ce uscatoare de par folositi? Acordati importanta tipului de uscator pe care il utilizati?

Va multumesc ca m-ati citit si va astept din nou pe la mine.


Professional hair dryer? Oh, yes !!!!

I do not know how many of you are equipped with such an object, perhaps the majority, but I just bought one, a bit late, it is true, if I think of the importance haircare has in my life. How could I live without it? I’ll tell you.

Since I was little, I dreamed to become a neat lady with long hair, beautifully and brightly arranged and people to turn their after me. The first two came relatively easy. For the rest … it took hard work and consistent efforts.

I was born with a beautiful, healthy hair easy to shape, but I’ve always admired people around me who were making no effort to seem always fresh out of the hairdresser. And I kept thinking: what shall I do? What products should I use? What hairdresser accessories to purchase?

Enlightenment itself came when I was at the hairdresser and, after my hairdresser washed my hair, dried it with hot-air dryer. Before using hair straightener I realized that simply drying hair was enough to have straight hair, just ready for a walk. Well, how so? I also have a dryer at home only that after I use it if I don’t also use the hair straightener or hair curler, I can’t even go to take out the trash.

I started looking for such a professional dryer on the internet, but I delved deeper into hundreds of tools, one better than another. Eventually I decided and now I possess a great hairdryer contributing to my happiness lately.

Girls, it is a miracle, I’ve never used the hair straightener since I have it. I wash my hair and apply Macadamia Deep Repair Masque and then Revlon’s Hair Liss that I had talked about here. I only have to dry it with my Babyliss PRO Caruso dryer. I do not make any publicity, I just know it’s made in Italy and I read good opinions about it on the internet.

The results are visible, there’s no need of hair straightener, it is simply as straight as if I use the hair straightener. I do not know whether this effect might be visible on any type of hair, I only tell what happens to me. It is not cheap, about 380 RON, but I’m not at all sorry that I didn’t spend the money on something else. I love the ion generator dryer that eliminates frizz and an extra-long cord so I don’t have to twist my neck trying to get to the bathroom mirror to more accuracy. It also has an interesting ergonomic handle, which makes it stable when you hold in your hand without feeling it slide. Last but not least, the effects on the hair are fabulous: the ceramic surface of this dryer ensures a uniform heat distribution, so that the hairs are protected, not being exposed to sudden temperature changes. Eh?

That is the story about my friendship with my dryer, I know I will love it until it brakes. What kind of hair dryers are you using? Do you pay importance to hair dryer type you are using?

Thank you for reading me and I’m waiting for you again.

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